Born in Leningrad in 1930. 1953: graduated from the Leningrad State University, Law Department; 1956: completed the postgraduate studies at the All-Union Institute of Legal Science of the USSR Ministry of Justice; 1959: Ph.D. degree in law.
1985: Doctor of Law. 1985 - bestowed with the title of The Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation.
Since 1992: a Deputy (since 1997 First Deputy) Chairman of the Council of the Private Law Research Center under the President of the Russian Federation. Since 1994: the Chairman of the Council of the Private Law Research Advisory Center of CIS. A number of publications on civil law matters, including comments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other laws, as well as textbooks, monographs, and articles.
1960: participation in the development of the draft Fundamentals of the Civil Legislation; a member of the commissions engaged in the development of the Civil Code of the RSFSR (1957-1964) and the USSR Maritime Code (1968); 1975-1980: participation in the development and adoption of a number of international maritime law conventions at the International Maritime Organization, the United Nations and the UNCTAD, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. A member of the work teams engaged in the development of the USSR Air Code (1983), USSR Law On Individual Labor Activity (1986) and USSR Law On Property (1990). 1991: led the work team engaged in the development of the Fundamentals of the Civil Legislation of the USSR and Soviet republics.
Since 1992: led the work team engaged in the development of the new Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Since 1999: Deputy Chairman of the Civil Legislation and Codification and Improvement Council under the President of the Russian Federation.
A member of Scientific and Advisory Boards of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, an Advisor to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
An arbitrator of the Maritime Arbitration Commission (Moscow) and the International Commercial Arbitration Court. A member of the Executive Committee of the International Law Association of the Russian Federation.
2007: awarded with The Order of Merit for the Motherland, Grade 4.
May 11, 2020: passed away at the age of 90. We mourn.
The memory of him as our greatest contemporary will forever remain in our hearts.